I called him but he was in deep slumber. I smiled after looking at his face. He is looking so normal while sleeping. Infact I forgot about his medical state.
He slowly opened his drooled eyes. He looked at me and smiled softly. My heart sped up and i was shocked to see his eyes. They were looking so mature, they do not have the kid like features.
"I love you"
He said. I stood frozen for a moment.
"I'm glad that you are here... Myra"
I lost my speech. He closed his eyes and slept again. I stood in shock for few minutes.
Then automatically a smile spread on my lips and i almost ran from there to inform Ranima. She was in the garden.
"Ranima....Ranima....i have a good news"
I was unable to hold my excitement.
"What happened Pihu?"
"Rajababu slowly recovering...he just spoke like a normal person..."
Her face also brighten up after hearing me.
"What he said?"
"He took Myra Mam's name on his sleep....i think his memories are coming back...Vaidya ji told me about this....he said Rajababu can slowly get his memory back, and if that happened, we can definitely be positive about his well being...."
Ranima joined her hands and prayed to God.
"Surely this will happen Pihu"
She has tears on her eyes.
"What happened? Why are you crying mom?"
Baivab entered the garden suddenly along with that Nishant.
"There is a good news... Rajveer's memory is coming back...he just took Myra's name in the morning...i think he will recover soon"
Ranima told Baivab in excitement.
"Oh really!! That's a very good news... It's wonderful...."
Baivab was looking overexcited. His reaction didn't settle well with me. I found something fishy. I don't know why my hurt keep telling me that Baivab is not what he showed from outside. My eyes moved on Nishant and i found his gaze on me. I immediately averted my eyes in irritation. I really can't believe that Mira mam chose this man instead of Rajababu.
"Ranima, i know a doctor very well....he is one of the best neurosurgeon of our city....i think we should call him.... I'm sure Rajveer will get better with his treatment"
Baivab said.
"Please contact him immediately..."
After a longtime i found Ranima very happy. I also got my hopes high. I looked at Baivab. He is looking genuinely happy. May be I'm doubting him too much. If he was that bad, then he never arranged the best doctor for Rajababu.
I walked out from there. I reached our room. I found Tuhin mam was talking to Rajababu.
"Veer, do you remember Myra?"
"No...i don't know any Myra....who is she?"
Rajababu was scratching his head like a kid. Suddenly Tuhin di saw me standing at the door.
"My doll is here.....I was looking for you in our small tent.... Don't go like that....I got scared when I didn't see you"
Rajababu walked towards me. I smiled nervously at him because I found Tuhin Mam's gaze on me and the gaze was not friendly.
"Rajababu, go and take a quick shower....we will visit the temple"
"Really??? Okay... I'm going...."
Rajababu hurriedly walked inside the washroom.
"You really got a lottery"
I stared at Tuhin mam in shock. Her tone is filled with only bitterness.
"Few months back, you were a maid but now you are sleeping in a king sized bed and enjoying every luxury of this mansion"
I got hurt with her words.
"Enjoy as much as you want because when Veer will get his memory back, he will never going to accept this marriage...then you have to pack your bags and leave this luxury behind"
"I don't want this luxury....i only want Rajababu's well being"
I replied. Tuhin mam raised her brow.
"You got a tongue.... Actually, now you are on cloud nine...but don't worry, soon you will be crawling again"
Tuhin mam make her way out. I was really dumbfounded! What's her problem?? Why she is behaving like this?
My trance broke with Rajababu's voice. I ran towards the washroom.
"What happened Rajababu?"
I asked by placing my ear on the door.
"Aaaaa....my eyes were burning...help me"
"I got shampoo in my eyes...aaaaa"
I started to laugh mentally after hearing his childlike tantrums.
"Then use water...it will be fine"
I said.
"Noooo....i can't see the tap"
I closed my eyes and smiled. He is really cute. I pushed the door slightly and walked in. For a second I forget to breathe after seeing him only in towel. I stood in tension. It's inappropriate! I can't see him like this. I turned my head and decided to leave.
"Doll.....are you here? Help me"
I stopped in my tracks. His voice is so helpless just like a kid. I turned my head towards him. He has now the brain of a kid. So it won't be inappropriate i guess. He is dependent on me right now. I should take care of him like a mother.
My all nervousness gone suddenly and i find myself walking closer to him. I stood infront of him. His eyes were tightly squeezed. I smiled in affection and care. I want to shower all my care and love for him.
"Doll ......"
He forwarded his hand and then touched my face. Immediately his face covered in a smile. So bright and youthful.
"Give me water.....i can't see anything"
I grabbed the mug and then slowly spread the water on his face. I rubbed his eyes with the water. Then slowly he opened his eyes. He looked at me and smiled broadly.
"Now i can see...."
I looked at him being mesmerized. He is looking so fresh and innocent. But suddenly I found his mischievous eyes and within a second the shower turned on. The water fell on me, making me absolutely drenched in water. Rajababu started to laugh so loudly.
"Rajababu......what you done.... it's not right..."
I came out of the washroom and walked towards the closet. Rajababu came after me but suddenly his legs got slipped in the floor and he directly fell on his face.
He groaned in pain. I walked near him in fear. I held him and immediately I saw his forehead bleeding.
I got the first aid box and immediately cleared the blood from his forehead. Ranima, Rajasaab, Tuhin di and Baivab entered the room after hearing the noise.
"What happened? Oh my god....Veer"
Ranima shouted out in fear.
"His legs slipped....an...."
"Shut up...you are supposed to take care of him...i told you mom, she can't take care of Rajveer....she is busy in enjoying her own life here....."
Tuhin Di's yelling make me absolutely terrified.
"I'm calling the doctor"
Baivab immediately dialled the doctor's number. Ranima has already helped Rajababu in standing up. She is crying in fear.
"Ranima...i was...."
I tried to explain her but she showed me her hand.
"Pihu, he careful from next time...."
She said in a shaky tone.
"It's okay...why everyone is reacting like this? Accident can happen..Pihu is not responsible for this"
Rajasaab said.
"Yes she is....why are you defending her Dad??? She saved Veer, that doesn't mean she owns everything.....i don't even understand why you got her married to our Veer in the first place......you should have discussed with me once....am I not a member of this family anymore?"
Tuhin di is now shouting.
"Listen Pihu,,,,I think you should go away right now.... it's their family matter...let them solve this alone"
Baivab said to me. He tapped my shoulder and showed me the way out.
Suddenly something happened that make everyone of us dumbfounded. Rajababu got down off the bed and marched towards us. Within a second he pushed Baivab so hard that he directly fell on the floor.
His voice boomed in the room. My eyes widened in pure shock. Everyone was shock after seeing his angry state.
"Oh my god....she is brainwashing Veer"
Tuhin di almost cried.
"Veer....what are you doing?"
Rajasaab walked closer to Rajababu. But Rajababu didn't look at him. He caught my wrist and walked me out.
"Veer, where are you going?"
Ranima shouted from behind but he didn't listen. He kept walking out of the mansion by holding my wrist. I was also scared after seeing his determined state.
He got inside a car along with me.
"Uncle,,,take us to the ghat"
He said to the Driver. I stared at him. His forehead is still bleeding a bit.
"Rajababu....we need to treat your wound...."
I almost whispered. This time he looked at me.
"I will not let them to treat my wound....they are bad....they scolded you...they scolded my doll...i don't like them"
He yelled. I saw his overexcited state. This is not good for him. I held his hand and smiled a bit. He didn't say anything further but he is looking absolutely mad. His face is looking red and his nostrils are flaring.
We reached the ghat. We both got down off the car. Rajababu moved towards the steps and sat on the stairs. I told the driver to buy a first aid box and an ointment.
I walked towards him and took my position beside him. He is looking at the river. Priests are performing the evening Arti at the ghat. They are reciting prayer.
I called him softly. He didn't look at me but hummed in response.
"Do you know the story of King Vidyut Narayan Singh?"
"No...who is he?"
"He was once the king of Kashi....He ruled this city for many years...He was one of the great King of this place....do you know why he became great?"
This time Rajababu shifted his attention on me.
"Because he had control over his emotions....he never got angry easily....he was loving, courageous and brave....he was merciful but at the same time he was strong enough to fought his enemies....You have to become like him.."
Rajababu's expressions were showing that he is getting interest in the story.
"You are the king of this place....this is your city....so it's your responsibility to make everyone happy...You are fighter and you are brave....but if you get angry like this, people will fear you...they can never love you....You have to become their ideal king...you have to become their protector but if you get angry, your all power will slip away from your body and then you will become weak...."
"I'm not weak... I'm a strong man"
Rajababu said proudly.
"Yes, you are.....but anger can make you weak...also a good king never treat his family badly....He should respect his mom and dad and also his sister....If you can't treat your family well, you can never treat your people well....."
He frowned and started to think something very attentively.
"You are right.... I'm sorry doll...I promise I will try to suppress my anger and i will treat my family well....are you happy now?"
I ruffled his hair in affection. The driver came from behind and gave me the first aid box. I opened the box and started to treat his wound. All the time he sat like a obedient kid and kept looking at me with a smile.
"Now it's done....now it's time to go back"
I said. We stood up. He held my hand and walked forward.
"You are right...I will say sorry to Di but i will not say sorry to Baivab...he is a bad man......Di was crying that day very much...she told me to chase Baivab....I followed him on my car....and then he......"
Rajababu stopped in midway. My heart started to bit faster. He is speaking about an old memory.
"Look balloon....i want that"
"Rajababu...what happened then?? You followed Baivab, then???"
I asked while turning him towards me. He frowned at me and then started to laugh.
"I punched him....ha ha ha...."
"I need balloon"
He ran towards the balloon seller. I held my head. Something we
nt very very wrong!!! I have to find out the truth. Something sinister took place that dreadful night. My heart kept on beating in fear.
I have to protect him in any way and that's why I need to find out the truth! But who will help me? Can I do it alone?
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