"There is no high school in some villages..so I have decided to establish few high schools...this is the solution of my first problem...the next one is, I have decided to establish some play schools for our city...kids of wealthy families will get better opportunity like this...and the third issue is...i have decided to provide a monthly salary to the temple priests..."
Everyone clapped after listening to Baivab. I also clapped. Rajababu made a pout.
"He can't win doll...we will win"
He whispered in my ear. I slightly smiled.
"Now, Pihu....tell us what vital issues you have find out..."
Rajasaab called me on the stage. I got a bit nervous. My palms were sweating. Suddenly I felt Rajababu is holding my wrist and taking me on the stage. I looked at him and suddenly I saw the glimpse of that Rajveer who used to be the Yuvraj of this empire.
"Why are you scared doll? I'm with you..."
My tension got vanished. I smiled while looking at him. He also smiled back. I can win any battle if he hold my hand like this.
I went on the stage. I cleared my throat and then faced the crowd.
"I...I have resolved three issues...the first one is, I have suggested a course for the quack doctors because many villagers and tribal people believes in them...Health is a very important part..if a person can lead a healthy life, he can do anything....my second issue is the transportation....I have seen that many villages do not have a proper transport system...they felt a lots of difficulty for that...so I'm suggesting to build some roads and introduce some good transport system on those places...and the third problem I have find out the issue of maternal health....women are going for sterilization because the health workers are suggesting them for family control but many women are getting sick and some women are dying during the procedure..during the last year total 100 women died from 5 villages after sterilization"
"What is your solution then? Don't tell me that you are suggesting that the villagers will buy contraceptive by their hard earning money instead of food"
Baivab interrupted me and started to laugh. Many people from the crowd also laughed.
I stared at Baivab silently.
"No.. I'm not suggesting this because I know buying contraceptive is difficult for them... I'm suggesting that the sterilization should be performed on men rather than women because that would be less risky...."
A gasp escaped from everyone's mouth. I know men will never agree to do that because of their ego. I have to make them understand.
"Female reproductive system is very complicated compared to the men because women has to carry the baby...after sterilization, women started to face many issues because their hormone supply got interrupted but men never faces such issues because their hormone supply stay intact after sterilization...just think logically...these women are taking care of their families...if a woman dies then a whole family will fall apart.....We have to make those villagers understand this issue... I'm sure they will understand...we have to appoint some young boys and girls who will make them understand this... believe me, it's the easiest solution for maternal health...we have to start the safe motherhood program in these villages...so that these women can be saved, who are the backbone of a family..."
I stopped and looked at the crowd. A different kind of silence got prevailed around me. May be they didn't like my idea. I lowered my head and decided to leave the stage.
Suddenly I heard some claps from the crowd. I looked at the crowd and find many women are clapping. Soon the clap turned into huge and big clappings.
I stood frozen. It was totally unexpected for me. I kept on staring at the crowd in shock. Are they really clapping for me.
"Queen....we got our Queen"
I heard these words from the crowd. I stood in absolute shock.
"Now the voting will start...2 days later we will announce the winner"
Rajasaab announced with a proud smile. My eyes fell on Baivab and find him staring at me with so much rage. Suddenly Rajababu came and stood infront of me by blocking me from Baivab's eyes.
"Looser Baivab"
Rajababu said and showed his thumb to Baivab. I held Rajababu's hand and slowly left from there. I can still hear those clappings.
"I'm proud of you Pihu...let's see how much vote you got"
Rajasaab said to me. Rajasaab and Ranima both were looking happy but Tuhin Di's face is looking dull. Baivab and Tuhin di didn't even come for dinner.
After dinner we went to our rooms. I took Rajababu's medicine and went to the balcony. He was reading a story book.
"Medicine time...."
I sat beside him.
"I won't take it... I don't like it's taste"
He said while scrunching his nose.
"Take it Rajababu, otherwise you will get sick"
"No...Look doll, I'm not feeling any pain...i didn't take the medicines when we were in the village...everyday i threw the medicine secretly...still I'm fine...then why should I take it? It's taste is very bitter"
My eyes got widened.
"What? You threw those medicines everyday? Have you gone mad Rajababu?? It's too much...I never knew that you can be deceptive like this"
I got too much angry. I came inside the room. I felt so irritated with myself. How can I not see that he was throwing the medicines everyday. Tears gathered into my eyes. I felt terrible for neglecting his activity.
"I'm sorry doll...please don't get angry... I'm holding my ears...please forgive me... don't stay mad....please talk to me..."
He started to pull me towards him but I walked back in the balcony. I'm feeling extremely helpless. What if something happened to him in the village. How did I fail?
"I'm sorry doll...."
Rajababu hugged me from back and hide his face in my neck. I didn't say anything but after a while i felt wetness in my neck. I immediately looked back and find his tears.
I can't stand his tears. It felt like someone is stabbing my heart with a knife. I immediately lifted up on my toes and started to wipe his tears. I felt so much guilty for making him cry. He is just like a kid. He didn't understand what is right and what is wrong.
"I will take medicine...I will never throw them"
He immediately ran inside the room and gulped the medicine with water. I smiled looking at him. My love for him is increasing day by day. I walked near him and this time I hugged him. I wish I could be a bit taller. Hugging him is a difficult job for me.
He immediately lifted me up and started to swing. I laughed after seeing his act. He loves to do this.
We both sat on the bed. I took oil and started to massage his head. He placed his head on my lap.
"Doll, can I ask you something?"
He asked while playing with my saree.
"Hmm...you can ask anything"
I asked while moving my hand through his thick hair.
"Do husband and wife sleep naked?"
My fingers immediately stopped moving.
"What? Who told you this?"
"Baivab told me....he said that I should remove your saree and make you naked"
My head started to shake in too much anger. Baivab is deliberately doing this. He is playing with Rajababu's mind.
"He also told me that If I touch your body, then you will stay with me forever....doll, is it true? Then please let me touch you...i want to keep you with me forever..."
He asked me while getting up.
"It's a lie...never believe on his words..I will stay with you because you have touched my soul"
"Soul? What is soul? I have never seen your soul"
Rajababu asked me with a frown.
"Soul stays inside our body...you can't see it but you can feel it...tell me Rajababu, do you feel happy when I stay close to you?"
"Yes..very very happy"
He said with a broad smile.
"Which part of your body feel happy?"
I asked him. He again frowned.
"I don't know...my whole body feels happy..."
"This is the soul....soul is not related to this body... it's far bigger than our body...happiness is a part of our soul...we both have touched each others soul...so we don't need to touch this body..."
Rajababu smiled happily.
"This means i have touched your soul...I will tell Baivab this...he is continuously saying me bad things..i didn't like his talks...he also showed me some videos...a man and woman were fighting in that video....they were not wearing any clothes...I didn't like it..."
This time I got extremely angry. Baivab is trying to ruin his mind. I make Rajababu sleep and then I came out of our room.
Baivab was standing outside his room and talking with someone in phone. I straightly walked towards him angrily.
"Why are you spoiling his mind? Have some shame...you are his brother-in-law"
I asked him.
He looked at me and then disconnected the call.
"Arreee...he is a grown up man... I'm actually helping you...look he is your husband and he is a very handsome man...but he didn't touch you... I'm sure you too feel horny... that's why I told him all these...i thought you will make him learn those stuffs..."
"I'm not a cheap person like you...next time if you ever try to put any nonsense thoughts on his mind, I will directly tell Rajasaab"
I warned him.
"Are you trying to scare me? Don't forget that you are just a maid....my sister is the real owner of this mansion...one day she will return....Rajveer will bring my sister here...He will forget about you and kick you out from this mansion...enjoy the last few days here...soon you will end up in a road"
He gritted out.
"We will see that Baivab who will end up in road"
I said and walk away.
It was probably midnight. My sleep broke after hearing some painful groans. I immediately switched on the light and what I saw made me absolutely horrified.
Rajababu is standing infront of me with a knife.
I took his name in fear.
He is looking so dangerous. His aura has changed completely. His eyes were looking red and he is sweating profusely.
"Doll, my head is paining again...i will cut my head...then the pain will go away....i can't tolerate this pain anymore..this pain is killing me..."
His voice is shaking. He immediately held the knife and tried to cut his forehead but i instantly got down off the bed and held the knife. It made a huge cut through my palm and it started to bleed.
I moved back in pain after snatching the knife from Rajababu's hand.
"Aaaaa.....do something doll... it's paining to much....help me doll...help me.."
He cried out so much. I forgot about my pain. Tears started to stream down off my eyes. Rajababu hugged my belly.
"Either kill me or cut my head....this pain is too much...save me please"
I held his head and suppressed my cries.
What should I do to take away his pain? I can't see him in pain. He was just fine in the village, then why suddenly this pain returned? Please God help me. Transfer his every pain to my body.
Suddenly my eyes fell on the medicine.
"No...Look doll, I'm not feeling any pain...i didn't take the medicines when we were in the village...everyday i threw the medicine secretly...still I'm fine...then why should I take it? It's taste is very bitter"
My head jolted up. I took the medicine and kept on looking at it.
He was fine when he was not taking this medicine but he is having pain after taking it.
Is something wrong with this medicine?
I have to contact Vaidya ji. Only he can help me on this matter
Author's pov (present scenario)
She helped those priests in decorating the temple. She held those flowers and smiled. She remembered the very first time when he bought flower from her shop. That was the first time he talked to her.
She looked at the sky from the temple. Today it's a full moon night. She will see him again. After a year.
"King has reached....King has reached...clear the entrance"
Her heart started to beat faster when she heard that. She immediately moved in a corner and looked at the entrance with a thumping heart. Is it really happening? Did he really arrive?
She prayed to God to not make her unconscious. She wants to see him. She is dying for this moment. Tears started to flow from her eyes. She wiped her tears continuously and kept looking at the entrance with her thirsty eyes.
A car has stopped.
Her breathing also stopped.
The door got open and then she saw the person getting down of the car.
Her vision got hazy in tears when she saw him.
She whispered and smiled.
He is wearing a black sherwani and a black turban. A sword was hanging from his torso. He is looking exactly like a king. He is not that kid anymore. He is Rajveer Koshal. The king of Kashi.
His slight stubble is giving him a more charming and elegant look. His face is glowing so much. His sharp nose and that straight jawline adding more royalty to his looks.
She again whispered and this time he looked around with a frown.
She smiled like a fool. He is feeling something. He is looking around.
"I'm here....your doll"
She again whispered. More tears spilled out off her eyes.
He can feel her presence. He is continuously looking around.
She decided to run near him. She pushed the crowd and walked forward. They are connected through this soul. Their bond can never die.
She walked faster and then she stopped after seeing something.
Her vision again went hazy when she saw another person getting down off the car.
Myra walked near Rajveer. She held his elbow and then they started to walk together. They both had a peaceful smile on their faces.
She immediately moved back and hide herself in the crowd.
Rajveer and Myra walked inside the temple.
Pihu stood there in absolute silence but suddenly she saw Rajveer
turning his head. She immediately covered her face with her dupatta.
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