She decided to walk away but something stopped her. Her tears were not stopping even for a second. She is continuously wiping them off but they seemed to not obey her today. She looked at the temple. A single glimpse of him had spread so much happiness inside her. She wants to have his glimpse again and again. Her heart churned badly. She wants to see him from close just like before.
She got inside the temple to have a better view of her Rajababu. She pepped from a pillar.
Rajababu and Myra were sitting in puja.
She smiled after seeing his happy face. He is looking so mature. She again thanked the supreme power for giving Rajababu this new life.
Her eyes were not leaving off his face even for a second. How handsome he has turned. He is blessed with this good look always but today he is looking more than just a good looking man. His attire of King and the way he is sitting infront of the fire, the glow of his face and this peaceful and calm appearance showing that he has become the king in true sense.
The king which she has imagined always. The king who is powerful yet has a kind heart, the king who can destroy his enemies without any mercy, at the same time he can shed tears for his people. Powerful, dedicated and with compassion.
She felt proud for him.
Her trance broke with the sound of car. She turned her head and find some other people were getting down off the car. Her face turned hard when she saw those culprits who were responsible for her and her Rajababu's sufferings.
They are the main villains of Rajababu's life. She got tensed after seeing these people around Rajveer.
Tuhin and Baivab walked inside the temple.
Pihu felt the urge to block their way. She can't tolerate these two people around Rajveer. What they are doing here?
Didn't Ranima and Rajasaab tell the truth to Rajababu?
Where are they?
She whispered.
"Today is a very special day for our King...Guruji, today my sister and Rajveer are getting engaged in this temple...they will get married next month...please give your blessing to them"
Pihu stood frozen when she heard Baivab saying all this to the priest.
She held the pillar to support herself. How is it possible? They are still married.
"Mahadev's blessing is with our king and queen...your bond will stay just like Bholenath and Mata Parvati.."
The priest blessed them with a smile. Then the puja started.
Pihu looked at Rajveer who is smiling looking at Myra. Myra has a blush on her face.
Unknowingly her heart shattered after seeing this. More tears spilled out of her eyes. She wiped her tears and watched the whole thing by standing there. Whenever her heart crumbled, she looked at Rajveer's smiling face. At least he is happy.
They exchanged the ring finally.
Pihu decided to leave the temple.
"Hey...where are you going? Stay a while...Rajababu will give clothes to us..."
A woman said to her.
"I don't need it"
Pihu mumbled.
"Please take it...and then give it to me..."
The woman requested her. Pihu looked at the poor woman and smiled. She can do this for her.
They all got seated on the floor of the temple. Rajveer and Myra walked near everyone and started to distribute clothes.
Pihu sat with a thumping heart. It's running too fast. Rajveer's every step towards her increasing her heart rate. Now he is giving cloth to the woman sitting just beside Pihu. She felt the urge to jump on his arms. She bite her lips to suppress her sob.
She took his name under her breathe. Her tears were soaking her dupatta by which she has covered her face.
Rajveer held the cloth and came near her. She forwarded her shaky hand infront of him. Her hands has become like a skeleton. Her whole body is shaking now. She suppressed the urge to reveal her face infront of him.
Suddenly the cloth got slipped from Rajveer's hand. He bent to pick up the cloth and his head got collided with her.
Pihu got frozen absolutely. She pulled the dupatta more to cover her face. Then her eyes landed on him. She can see his face because her dupatta is not that much thick. What she saw made her absolutely dumbfounded.
Rajveer is staring at her with a shocked face. He is not even blinking and the most surprising part is, he is literally bending to see her face.
Her breathing hitched on her throat. She took the cloth with her shaky hands. He is still trying to see her face. Why is he doing that?
"What happened Veer?"
Pihu moved a little back after hearing Myra's voice.
"Umm... nothing...."
Rajveer stuttered and then again he looked at Pihu. Myra also looked at her with a frown.
"Did she do something wrong?"
Myra asked Rajveer. Pihu got alarmed. She started to sweat.
Rajveer snapped his finger and within a second two women appeared.
"Keep her with you....I want to see her face"
Pihu's eyes got widened in extreme shock. The women immediately came near Pihu.
"Come with us..."
Pihu didn't know what to do. She got extremely shocked.
"What happened Veer? Why you want to see her face? Is something wrong?"
Myra again asked. She is also shocked with Rajveer's behaviour.
"Nothing is wrong Myra...I just want to see her face... that's it"
Rajveer said in a strong tone.
"But this is inappropriate"
Myra whispered but Pihu heard it clearly.
"I have no bad intention...I just want to see her face that's it...You already know that I'm searching for some answers...please don't stop me Myra..."
Pihu heard the desperate tone of Rajveer. She got so much confused. Why his voice is that much restless? Is he not in peace?
The two women took her inside the temple.
"Sit here..."
The women left after leaving her inside the kitchen of temple.
Pihu waited there for half an hour. Each second was appearing as a year to her. She started to pace around the room. Why did he stop her? Why he wants to see her face? Did he remember her?
Her inside covered in happiness while thinking about this possibility. Then why is he marrying Myra?
Suddenly the door got open and within a second Myra entered.
Pihu tried to cover her face but Myra has already seen her. She got shocked like she has seen a ghost.
She almost whispered. She is still looking in extreme shock. When her shock got over she instantly locked the door from inside.
"How are you? How did you come here? And where have you been??? I thought you died...."
Myra asked while going near her.
"Baivab has kept me locked in a dark place....they kept the prisoners there....then he tried to kill me....but I survived..."
Pihu cried while telling Myra the truth. Myra also got tears after hearing this.
"I'm so sorry Pihu...I didn't do anything....Baivab has threatened me... I'm so much helpless"
She cried while holding Pihu's hand.
"Where is Rajasaab and Ranima? Why they didn't reveal the truth to Rajababu?"
Pihu said desperately. Myra sobbed.
"They died in an accident...."
Rajveer was in hospital that time...his surgery was going on...When he woke up, they were already gone..."
Pihu gasped and then she broke out in crying. She loved both of them like her own parents. She can still remember Rajasaab's fatherly smile. His last words are still ringing on her ears.
"I'm blessing you Pihu...Rajveer will be only yours"
They said this to her when she was fighting hard to save Rajveer's life.
"I know what are you feeling....I also cried a lot....and Rajveer's condition was even worse....when he heard the death news of his parents he got so angry that he immediately went after Nishant....He had beaten him so much....we thought he will end up in killing Nishant...but he didn't do it...he kept him in prison...Soon his verdict will be given..."
Pihu looked at Myra in shock.
"What about Baivab? What about his verdict?"
She yelled. Myra lowered her face this time.
"I failed to tell Rajveer the truth...Baivab has blackmailed me....He has threatened me to kill Rajveer if I tell him the truth... I'm so sorry Pihu...not only this but he also......"
Myra stopped and looked at Pihu in guilt.
"Baivab has made up a false story about you too....."
"Which story?"
Pihu asked like a robot.
"He told Veer that you were also involved with Nishant...You and Nishant were having an affair and you both were after his wealth.... that's why you two conspired against Rajveer and killed his parents.....Rajveer is now searching for you....If you ever come infront of him...he will punish you just like Nishant"
For few moments Pihu's brain stopped functioning. She kept on looking at Myra blankly. It felt like she is hearing a story. This can't be true.
" can't.. believe this..story....I will tell him the truth...I will scream the truth"
Pihu uttered in a shaky tone. She was about to go but Myra caught her wrist.
"Don't be a fool can you forget what Rajveer did to you when you blamed Baivab infront of everyone...he believes him...he will never believe you....infact he doesn't remember you at all. For him you are the killer of his parents...he will never believe you..never ever"
"I don't care....I will tell him the truth...his life is in danger...he should know the truth of Baivab and Tuhin di..they tried to kill him many times"
Pihu cried out.
"Please Pihu.. don't do this...Veer will kill you....He hates you so much....listen to me..I will reveal the truth to Veer...I promise I will tell him everything...I will protect him... it's best for you to leave this city forever....go somewhere else and find a better life...your father is still alive right? Just go to him and live a peaceful life..."
Pihu looked at Myra in pain. Her words that "He hates you so much" killed her soul.
"I know you loved him a lot....but he doesn't loves want to see his hate? This will hurt you more... it's better that you should leave and start a new life...I promise I will keep him safe...Baivab Bhai will never hurt him..But I will feel terrible if Veer punish you for something which you never did..."
Myra said while holding Pihu's hand.
Pihu wiped her tears.
"When he woke up, he took my name first....he hugged me and cried by holding me like I'm so precious to him...can you believe this Pihu? He never uttered a single word about you....he forgot his life with you totally...."
Pihu closed her eyes. After a while she looked at Myra.
"You are right...I should leave"
Pihu walked near the door but Myra blocked her way.
"Take the back door...."
She showed her the backside door. Pihu walked out of the door. Before leaving she turned her head and looked at Myra.
"Please, tell him the truth about Baivab"
She whispered.
"I will"
Myra said.
Pihu slowly walked out. She looked at the sky. Tonight is the full moon night. She walked towards the railway station. She wrapped the cloth around her body which Rajveer gave her. This is the only source of warmth for her right now.
The train reached on the station. She got inside the train. She will go to her father. She closed her eyes and wrapped the cloth tightly. Now again her tears soaked her cheeks. She felt extremely lonely.
She took his name multiple times in pain.
She opened her eyes instantly and found him sitting beside her. Her eyes got widened. He is still wearing that black Sherwani.
"Yes...your Rajababu...How dare you to leave me like this? Do you really think I will let you go like this?"
Pihu looked at him in shock and happiness both.
"Myra mam told me that you hate me"
She cried silently.
"Right now I'm hating you because you are leaving me..."
He is angry. She shivered and within a second he took her petite form on his tight hold.
"Are you cold?"
He asked her in concern.
"Not anymore"
Pihu closed her eyes and hide her face on his chest.
"Don't cry ever... I'm right here with you..Now it's my turn to love you..."
Pihu shivered in happiness after hearing his words. She clutched him more tightly.
Her sleep broke with the whistle of the train. She rubbed her eyes and looked at her side. It's empty.
Where Rajababu could go?
He was right here with her. She was feeling his warmth. Loneliness covered her inside when she felt that it was just a dream. Just like the dream of the kite which she used to see every night and her jiji made fun of her for that dream.
Pihu leaned on her seat and closed her eyes.
Pihu came out of her village. She is again waiting in the station.
Her father has died 6 months back.
She got this news. Nobody knows about her Jiji. She got married to a businessman and is now staying in Mumbai. Noone knows about her address.
Pihu again got inside the train. She doesn't know where to go. She just went inside like a robot. She is feeling extremely numb. Those childhood days were only appearing in her mind. The way her father worshipped, she and her jiji used to play outside the temple. She lost her mother in a very young age. She can't remember her mother well but her baba was everything to her.
She had hurt her father when she decided to marry Rajveer. She didn't cry. Her tears has soaked now completely. The pain has made her inside numb.
She looked outside. She is leaving everything behind and going for an anonymous destination.
"What is happening to you Mr Rajveer?"
"I don't know....I can't sleep at night.... everytime I feel restless... it's just felt like something is missing in my life...I don't know what it is...but i feel felt like something is there and i want to grab it like oxygen but I can't figure out what it is"
Rajveer said very restlessly to the doctor.
"Do you feel any pain in you head?"
" health is fine...Myra is with me..Though I miss my parents a lot but i have accepted their death.."
"How is your relation with Myra? I mean when you got your memory back, did you feel the same way with Myra like you used to feel before"
Rajveer pressed his temple.
"It's different now...She is helping me a lot..and I'm happy too...I like her presence around me but....."
"But what Mr Rajveer?"
"I don't know...I see images in my dream..I see someone who is taking care of me...The vision is not clear but I feel happy and peaceful whenever I see that dream....I want to live that dream.... I don't know whom I see in my dream...may be it's Myra but she is not tall like Myra...she always appeared so tiny infront of me....She ruffles my hair and kissed my forehead"
"Did you love someone before Myra?"
"No absolutely not...I was always in love with her.....I don't know how will I get i turning mad doctor? Why this is happening to me? I have a lots of responsibility but every single second I'm just craving and craving with an unknown desire...I don't even know what it is...but i really want to chase something and hold mind is in total chaos..."
Rajveer held his head in frustration.
"I think you should leave this country for few months...New memories can give you peace...for now I'm giving you medicines for sleep...try to do meditation and will also help you"
The doctor said.
Rajveer came out of the doctor's room. He took out his phone and called Myra.
" the session went?"
Myra asked.
"Fine...the doctor was telling me to change place for few days...I think Tuhin di and you were right...I should go somewhere else for few months...."
"Then take me with you"
Myra said.
Rajveer didn't reply for some moment.
"I think I need some space Myra..."
"You don't love me anymore"
Myra's voice shook.
Rajveer pinched his nose in irritation.
"You know it very well how much I love you....I just want to stay alone for few months..."
"What about our marriage?"
"Let me return first"
"Where will you go and for how long?"
Myra asked.
"I will go in UK...I will also get the time to see our business in UK.. don't worry I will go for maximum 7 to 8 months..."
"Please take me with you Veer...."
Myra almost pleaded.
"I will think about i
Rajveer disconnected the call. He got inside his car. His driver started the car. Rajveer leaned by closing his eyes.
"Who are you?"
He whispered desperately.
He took his phone and booked his ticket online. He needs to go away. May be his restlessness will go away like this.
May be a new beginning is waiting for him after this.
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